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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Cosmic Thoughts

After all the flurry of excited would-be billionaires who'd consumed whole the advice found in The Secret - the book that had re-opened the time-worn subject of basically, wishing on a star, and getting something for nothing - have settled down, especially post th eeconomic fall-out and now, the Gulf of Mexico world disaster, we all have to have our doses of reality.
Where is the cosmic in all this cold water in our collective faces?
Wait - aren't I breaking a cardinal cosmic rule in speaking not in positive trems, but solely in terms of what is? Not of what should be?
Sometimes we must face reality.
And mourn.
And clear out our sad, our sour, our angry, and our negative emotions, plus our fury at being totally helpless in huge situations, like life and death, that we simply cannot wish away.
More than self-discipline is required when thinking of all the innocent wildlife now dying or worse in the Gulf, and when feeling the anger toward the sociopaths who care only about profits when our beauitful planet is being fouled and ruined.
And, when all our finer values are being thwarted, we're being lied to, and when our hero-worship has turned into bitter disappointment.
I, too, had had such hopes for our new president Obama, and when he didn't act immediately to oversee the operations, as anyone knows he should have, in the Gulf, I realized that he was certainly not an FDR, or even a Jimmy Carter or a Clinton.
At least they had true affection for everyone, including the wildlife - and - they understood that what affects one part of Nature affects us all.
My sense of justice has taken a huge fall.
I've been in depression to some extent ever since the gusher began in the Gulf of Mexico.
This is actually far worse than losing a close loved one.
It's like a war.
It affects every being and every place around it.
It's much larger than the grief of one individual for one individual - this collective murder of so many, this complete destruction of so beautiful an area is so much worse!
After all, we in these generations have a mandate of honor to pass down a better world than the one that was handed down to us - or at the very least, to maintain it in as good condition as it was when it was given to us.
It is God's world, too, and the good among us know that He told us that we had the responsibility to take care of it FOR Him in Genesis - where mis-translations had put "dominion", the original text had said "responsibility for".
There is no more important relationship than the one we have with God, and secondarily, with ourselves.
For anyone who is not a psychopathic sociopath, this is a heavy burden to bear, and yes, we all have a part in this, even if it was not to had paid enough attention to the takeover of our values by the powers that be.
I'd love to raise a voice and raise an army of honorable legions who could realign all of us with the public good, and instead, I, like all of you, merely pray.
And yet, praying is perhaps the strongest thing we can do, along with voting when we get the chance.
Isn't Cosmic Magazine all about empowering us to change our lives?
Yes, in normal circumstances it is.
But life is not always uplifting. Or posttive.
And sometimes all we can do is be brave.
And help in any way we can.
I am currently in the Gulf, and I have donated and assisted, and yes, prayed a lot.
I will continue to do so.
Will you join me in prayer many times daily for all the innocent beings who are affected, including the people who live on the Gulf, of course, and for the sea, and for the sand, and the air - for all the world that God had given us to protect.
It's time for us to make protecting it for Him our foremost aim, and to turn our prayers and our aims into action.

Visit Olivia's help site here at the Audubon Society and please help this precious girl save the Gulf.

And please donate to the Humane Society here.

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